05 / 08 / 2014

The global primary sukuk market issuances amounted to USD7.95bln last month, a 31.4% decline month-on-month (m-o-m) compared to the USD11.6bln volume in June.

04 / 08 / 2014

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has opened 2 branches; one of them is smart at Avenues mall, and the other at Aliaa Center in Al-Jahraa, where the network of branches has reached 63 branches

03 / 08 / 2014

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) took part in the activities that had been conducted by the Finance Club at the College of Administrative Sciences at Kuwait University

27 / 07 / 2014

Public Relations and Media Executive Manager at Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Saeed Tawfeeqi announced that the bank is ready to fulfill its commitments towards its clients during Eid

21 / 07 / 2014

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Chairman Hamad Al-Marzouq stated that KFH, by the Grace of Allah and His Blessing, has achieved a gross profit of KD 144.032 million

20 / 07 / 2014

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) announced the returns of its diverse investment deposits that it offers to its clients in foreign currencies, and the three-month deposit in Kuwaiti dinar during Q2

16 / 07 / 2014

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has announced 7 winners of the 8th and last draw of the promotional campaign “Win TV Samsung Smart LED 3D 60” Every Day for banking cards clients. Thus, the total number

14 / 07 / 2014

Kuwait City Governor Thabet Al-Muhanna applauded the role shouldered by Kuwait Finance House (KFH) in boosting the national economy through its various

13 / 07 / 2014

وسط أجواء رمضانية وأسرية تعكس القيم التي يقوم عليها، والنشاط الذي يمارسه في السوق المحلي، أقام بيت التمويل الكويتي غبقته السنوية للإعلاميين في فندق الشيراتون بحضور مدير عام الاستراتيجية والعلاقات الم

09 / 07 / 2014

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Chairman Hamad Al-Marzouq applauded the efforts of KFH employees during his speech at KFH’s annual Ramadan Ghabka

07 / 07 / 2014

Chief Retail Banking Officer at Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Mohammad Al-Fouzan said that KFH is keen to boost the performance levels of call center employees

06 / 07 / 2014

Kuveyt Türk, the largest participation bank in Turkey in terms of total assets, has announced the issuance of a five-year USD denomination Reg S Sukuk

01 / 07 / 2014

General Manager, Kuwait Treasury at Kuwait Finance House KFH Abdulwahab Al-Roshood said that KFH has participated in the International Islamic Liquidity Management IILM USD 860 mln sukuk issuance

29 / 06 / 2014

Executive Manager, Alternative Channels at Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Meshal Al-Obaid stated that 2014 witnesses several achievements and enhancement in KFH’s alternative channels

26 / 06 / 2014

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Strategy and Corporate Affairs General Manager Fahad Al-Mukhaizeem revealed that KFH will place a television commercial, as part of its activities during Ramadan


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