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125 items found for "وديعة"

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) achieved growth in customers interest in the service of opening gold account via KFHonline of 205%, during the first half of 2020, compared to the same period last year. The customers’ ...

Chief Operations Officer Anwar Al-Ghaith announced that KFH offers a new service to its clients that allows them to open investment deposits through ATM machines found all over Kuwait.

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) participated as a strategic sponsor in the 13th Industries and Construction Exhibition. The exhibition. The exhibition brought together a significant number of participating entities from ...

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) announced that customers can now open Al Nuwair deposit for their children electronically using the KFH Online application. In line with KFH's strategy, this new service aims to provide ...

أعلن رئيس مجلس الإدارة والعضو المنتدب في بيت التمويل الكويتي -بيتك- بدر عبد المحسن المخيزيم أن بيتك- بتوفيق من الله تعالى حقق إيرادات إجمالية لعام 2009 قدرها 766.703 مليون دينار...

Chairman of Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Hamad Abdulmohsen Al-Marzouq said that KFH has, by the grace of Allah, reported net profit of KD 56.9 Million for the first half of 2020 for KFH shareholders; a decrease of ...

Kuwait Finance House’s (KFH) Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Bader Al-Mukhaizeem announced that KFH has achieved total revenues for 2009 of KD 766.703 million, and gross profits for the same year

(KFH) Chairman and Managing Director Bader Al-Mukhaizeem announced that KFH with God’s Grace, has achieved total revenues of KD 736.2 million for 2010.