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Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has named 7 winners of iPhone 6 plus in the fourth draw of new promotional campaign for banking cards clients to encourage them use KFH credit and pre-paid

Chairman of Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Hamad Abdulmohsen Al-Marzouq said that KFH has, by the grace of Allah, realized a net profit of KD 165.2 million

Chief Retail Banking Officer Mohammed Al-Fouzan stated that KFH has best array of deposits among local banks, since those deposits vary in rates, period of time, and investment rate.

Chairman Mohammed Al-Khodairi said that the sums of money achieved by increase in KFH capital (KD 64 million), will be used to finance and support its expansion plans ..

International Banks General Manager Shaheen Al-Ghanem said that KFH’s leadership in the field of Islamic banking as the first Islamic bank in Kuwait ..

(KFH), in collaboration with Kuwait Airways, launched ‘Baitok – Oasis Club’ prepaid card that has a common brand, in order to encourage clients to use their prepaid cards during the purchases.

- Earnings per share 8.1 fils - 5%increase in assets - Deposits increased by 6% to KD9.713 billion - Revenues increased by 23%

CEO Mohammad Al-Omar said that the transaction that has been held, in which KFH had sold one of its investment real estate with KD 50 mln, is considered a lucrative

has announced the beginning of the subscription to increase its capital, starting from Wednesday, June 5th until June 19th.

“KFH” represented by its subsidiary, Liquidity Management House “LMH”, succeeded in arranging for Ijarah Sukuk for the Turkish Treasury amounting USD1.5bln for 5 ½ years.


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