Kuwait Finance House (KFH) continues its efforts to raise awareness of its latest services and products, as well as financial fraud, while simultaneously enhancing customer financial literacy. These efforts are part of KFH`s support for the Diraya financial and banking awareness campaign, launched by the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) in collaboration with the Kuwait Banking Association (KBA) and local banks. This campaign aims to enhance customer awareness of available banking services and solutions, while promoting financial inclusion across all segments of society.
KFH successfully utilizes all its e-channels on social media platforms and its website, mobile app to disseminate awareness content. These endeavors amassed a significant interaction with customers due to the distinctive and useful contents of KFH’s advanced services and products.
In conjunction with the rolling out of its new digital services, KFH has released several awareness contents. These services include the first-of-its-kind instant credit and prepaid cards printing, WAMD instant payment in collaboration with KNET, transfers via Western Union network, AFAQ instant transfer service. KFH’s awareness efforts also encompassed explanatory videos on how to register a new user on the mobile app, cardless cash withdrawals, ATMs services in addition to how to benefit from KFHonline financial solutions. These videos among other awareness posts are available on KFH’s social media channels (@KFHgroup).
In line with the continued awareness efforts, KFH is committed to participating in initiatives and forums that focus on raising banking awareness. These include its participation in the 5th Gulf Conference and Exhibition for Cybersecurity Challenges titled “A Secure Digital Environment”. During its participation, KFH shed light on the concept of fraud in general, with a specific focus on cyber fraud, explaining the various methods of fraud that pose a threat to both individuals and the community.