In a highly competitive environment and an unprecedented participation reaching nearly 900 contestants from Kuwait, GCC and various Arab and foreign countries, KFH Obstacle Challenge event was launched in its second version as a one-day activity at the Marina Beach in presence of reputable sporting celebrities and various Kuwaiti youth businesses.
The race was 5 km long and obstacles were at different heights and levels. The competition was open for youth (Men) over 16. Participants were divided into 4 different age categories. A special race was added for children this year for both males and females aged 5-8 years old. The obstacles were suitable for this age category.
Valuable Prizes to 15 Winners
The race witnessed an unprecedented public attendance and a strong competition among the participants. At the end of the race, KFH Group DGM, Public Relations and Media, Yousef Al-Ruwaieh and KFH Executive Manager, Media and Government Relations, Mohammed AlFaris, presented to the top 15 winners in various age categories valuable prizes. The first three winners “at all categories and participants level” received prizes worth KD 6000 i.e., KD 3000 for first position, KD 2000 for second position and KD 1000 for the third position. The first three winners in each category received an amount of KD 300 for the first-place winner, KD 200 for the second-place winner and KD 100 for the third-place winner. Also, all participants reaching the finish line have received valuable medals from KFH team.
Remarkable Public Participation and Society Trust
Al-Ruwaieh said in a press release that the success which the event recorded and the remarkable participants interest in the event is yet another new affirmation of society’s trust and confidence in KFH and the significance of the events and activities organized by the bank to fulfil youth interests and aspirations.
Biggest Sporting Event
He added that KFH is proud that this event is the biggest sporting event in Kuwait and one of the most important social initiatives of KFH and enhances the bank role in supporting sporting and health activities as part of its pioneering role in social responsibility.
He noted that the race has hit the record regarding the number of participants compared to the average number of participants in same kind of contests and compared to the first version of this race.
“Better Health for Better Life” and “Keep It Green”
Al-Ruwaieh indicated that KFH Obstacles Challenge event was based on two significant pillars. The first comprises youth and health within the “Better health for better life” program while the second comprises the enhancement of sustainability efforts. KFH has approved the required race kit including a bag having a special No. for each participant as well as an official race shirt, made of recycled materials to maintain healthy environment as part of the program “Keep It Green”. He emphasized that health, sport, youth, and environment are the most significant pillars of sustainability and fall within the group integrated sustainability strategy launched by KFH recently.
Employment of Technology
Al-Ruwaieh added that KFH was keen on achieving the perfect organization of the event by allocating an electronic chip for each participant to record the starting time, finishing time and the final results accurately. A specialized team of judges was present at each obstacle and at different points of the racecourse to ensure contestants abidance by the race regulations.
Praises are the Source of Our Pride
Al-Ruwaieh added that the praises which KFH received from the public and the participants after distributing the prizes to the winners are the source of our pride. He emphasized that KFH shall continue to hold innovative and unique events that would fulfil youth aspirations and enhance KFH pioneering role in the social responsibility initiatives.
Participation of More than 20 Kuwaiti Youth businesses
Al-Ruwaieh pointed out that KFH has given the opportunity to Kuwaiti businesses to be present in the race event. He emphasized that this process reflects KFH keenness to support SMEs. More than 20 Kuwaiti youth businesses were present in the event including health clubs, cafes, restaurants, sporting equipment and other businesses that introduced various offers to the public.
World Obstacles Race Champion
Kuwait’s world obstacle race champion and Head of the Kuwaiti Obstacles Race Committee - Yousef Al-Shatti was present as the head of the referee committee. He praised the organizing style of the race and KFH role in organizing this kind of activities to enhance the sport and health lifestyle of youth and various age categories.
Al-Shatti added that the race has produced the youth energy and the high competition spirit among the contestants. Meanwhile the delight and happiness spirit has prevailed among the contestants and the public.