KFH: “Fursa” Program Trainees Complete a one (1) Months Course in KFH (KFH – Turkey)
To Enhance Their Experience with Practical Practices in New Markets
Kuwait – Turk concluded a training course comprising 8 new trainee employees within “Forsa” program which continued for one month at Kuwait – Turk. The course comprised practical training on all types of works, activities and services provided by the bank. Trainees were circulated to all sectors and departments, placed in their positions and given the opportunity to mix with other employees and customers. This step aimed to deepen and strengthen their experience in a new work environment which enjoys several advantages including competition, development, diversification and dependence on technical skills.
Trainees participated, on regular basis, in direct interviews with Kuwait Turk officials. They had a very close look on products creation process, service structuring, and technical systems developments and updates. They have also viewed the functions of other departments e.g. marketing, compliance, auditing and other departments, thus providing an integrated banking experience from all aspects. This experiment has given the trainees a unique special impression in regard to the development level which Kuwait – Turk has reached concerning modern technologies and systems, work methodology and management which uses the open door policy. This method has given the chance to establish direct communications between employees and officials in addition to the fast and major growth in various business fields. Also, it has increased customer confidence in the bank performance and high quality of its products and services.