Aggregate real estate transactions:
The aggregate real estate value recorded during the last 5 years, in an annual basis, the highest trades in December. The aggregate real estate trades increased in December 2012 to KD 395 million exceeding its value that was posted during November KD 286 million, more than KD 109 million, and an increase average reached 28 percent. This significant increase came as a result of the increase of the housing real estate trades in December compared to the preceding month in high percentage 47 percent, and the rebound of the investment real estate trades as its value climbed to 83 percent which noticeably contributed in improving the aggregate real estate value. On the other hand, the commercial trades witnessed a drop by 34 percent in addition to the role of the real estate trades to the stores and crafts.
Regarding the contribution of real estate trades in accordance with contracts and agencies, the total value of trades has increased to KD 91 million and 33 percent the total value of contracts trades in the preceding month that posted KD 368 million in December compared to KD 227 million in November. The agencies values also recorded a surge of KD 18 million, achieving more than 3 times what noted in November, by KD 28 million in December compared to the total real estate trades in agencies that amounted KD 9 million in November.
The aggregate real estate trades included 54 percent for private housing higher than its stake that amounted 51 percent in November ,whereas the investment real estate comes in the second place of 33 percent higher than its stake which is 24.8 percent in the last month, and the commercial real estate trades formed 11 percent from the aggregate value of trades posting a drop compared to the last month that amounted 23.7 percent .however, the real estate of sores and crafts contributed in 2 percent of the total trades value in December.
Compared to the last month, the indicator of the average real estate deal increased because of the increasing in the total trades value where it recorded KD 381 thousand in December compared to KD 332 thousand in November. That is partially due to a significant increase in the total traded deals which achieved the second highest number of trades during the year after the trades of April posting 1.038 deals in December (989 contract deals, 49 agencies deals) in an increase worth 220 deals,5 percent than the total real estate deals in November which are 860 deals (837 contracts deals, 23 agencies deals.
AL-Ahmadi Governorate realized the highest trading average of 532 deals by purchasing average 51 percent higher than the deals posted in November 527 deals with a stake reached 61 percent of the total real estate trades in November. Then, Hawalli Governorate comes in the second place with 172 deals with a stake of 17 percent compared to 104 deals and a stake of 12 percent in November. Mubarak AL-Kabeer Governorate comes next with 131 deals, 13 percent compared to 102 deals in October, and 12 percent of the total traded deals in November.
Kuwait Governorate comes in the fourth place in 80 deals, 8 percent compared to 34 deals, and 4 percent in November. Whereas Al-Farwaniya Governorate comes in the fifth place with 77 deals, 7 percent compared to 66 deals, and 8 percent of the total traded deals in the last month. Al- Jahra Governorate comes in the sixth place with 46 deals , 3 percent compared to the number of deals achieved in November which was 27 deals with a stake of 3 percent of the total traded deals.
The private housing:
Trades value of private housing:
The trades value of the private housing recorded a significant increase in December to post KD 214 million (KD 204.4 million contracts , KD 9,5 million agencies) the increase reached to 47 percent , KD 67.9 million more than the trades value in November which was KD 146 million (KD 137.6 million contracts, KD 8.2 million agencies)
The increasing value of real estate trades of private housing is due to the increasing trading value of contracts by KD 66.8 million and an increase 49 percent than the contracts trades in November which recorded KD 204.4 million in December compared to KD 137,7 million trades achieved in November. As well as the increase of the value trades of private housing which recorded KD 9.5 million with an increase amounted by KD 1.2 million compared to the agencies trades for private housing KD 8.3 million , 15 percent increase in November.
By the increase of private housing real estate trades value and the increase of the listed deals in December , the average value of a deal of the real estate had significantly increased to record KD 244 thousand in December compared to KD 196.8 thousand in November.
Concerning the number of trades, the real estate trades of private housing recorded 877 deals (841 contracts deals, 21 agencies deals) compared to 741 deals ( 720 contracts deals , 21 agencies deals) in November achieving an increase 137 deals, 18 percent.
Al-Ahmadi Governorate comes in the first place with 438 deals , 55 percent from the total real estate trading for the private housing .Mubarak Al-Kabeer comes in the second place by 118 deals , 13 percent followed by Hawalli with 114 deals , 13 percent of the total private housing deals.
The real estate trades of the investment housing:
The investment trades value:
In December, the trading value of investment real estate became close to the unprecedented indicators in the early months of the year, as the value was close in January, exceeded the achievement in February ,while didn’t exceed march that broke a record reached KD 375 million. December is considered to be the highest during the past 8 months of 2012. And since 2004, it’s the highest in annual basis which recorded KD 130 million in December (KD 115.9 million contracts, and KD 14 million agencies) posting a significant improvement than its value in November by KD 95 million, 83 percent. The trading investment in contracts led to the improvement in the amount of investment real estate trades, as the value of contracts trades recorded KD 115.9 million in December in a noticeable increase of KD 46 million and 66 percent compared to 70.2 in November. The agencies trades’ value increased significantly to reach KD 14 million where the investment agencies trading value reached KD 14.4 thousand in December compared to KD 858 thousand in the preceding month.
The average of deal’s value of investment real estate dramatically increased up to KD 945 thousand in December compared to KD 658 thousand in November as a result of the deals improvement.
As for the number of investment real estate trades ,138 deals were recorded in December(129 contracts deals, 9 agencies deals)more than the trades in November 108 deals ( 106 contracts deals, 2 agencies deals) with an increase of 30 deals and 28 percent. Hawalli purchased the highest number of 55 deals, 40 percent from the investment trades in December compared to 35 deals, and 32 percent in November followed by Ahmadi Governorate of 49 deals , 36 percent compared to 56 deals , 52 percent in November.
The commercial real estate trades:
The commercial real estate trades value:
The commercial real estate trades witnessed a noticeable decline in December after the unprecedented vitality in November which considered to be the highest in 2012 to record the second highest value of KD 45 million in December (the contracts trades reached KD 43 million, and the agencies KD 1.5 million) compared to KD 67.9 million in November dropping to KD 23 million, 33 percent than November 2012.
The value of a deal decreased in December compared to November. The average value of a deal reached KD 2.8 million in December compared to KD 7.5 million in November. This kind of real estate played a prominent role in improving the total value of real estate trade compared to the past months. In December, the commercial real estate trades 16 deals (15 contracts deals , one agencies deals) compared to 9 deals in November ( 6 deals in Kuwait Governorate, 2 in Hawalli and 1 in Al-Jahra)
The store trades:
The store trades value:
This kind of real estate resumed in December after the pause during October to record KD 6.3 million (KD 4.2 million contracts transactions, KD 2.1 million agencies transactions) in December compared to contracts transactions KD 900 thousand in 2012.
The average deal indicator of sore trades settled compared to November where the average value of a deal was KD 900 thousand in December.
In Farwaniya Governorate, the trades in stores real estate were by 6 deals out of 7 in December, and only one in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate, compared to one deal in Farwaniya Governorate in November.