11 / 02 / 2013

KFH began launching its national activities that will take place in February on the sideline of the 52nd Independence Day, and 22nd Liberation Day anniversaries.

04 / 02 / 2013

Cars Department Manager Ahed Al-Eissa said that KFH car leasing services suits most client segments and include over 15 categories of cars manufactured by several international car manufacturers.

03 / 02 / 2013

(KFH) added several new important services to its ATM machines, which allows them to work optimally; thus saving clients time and effort ...

30 / 01 / 2013

بين التقرير أن تداولات السوق العقاري، شهدت خلال العام 2012 ارتفاعا ملحوظا بنسبة 15.6 في المئة، مقارنة بعام 2011، مشيراً إلى أن قيمة التداولات العقارية فاقت ما سجلته خلال السنوات الأربع الماضية

29 / 01 / 2013

Strategy and Corporate Affairs General Manager Fahad Al-Mukhaizeem announced that KFH has launched an upgraded iPhone application that targets diabetic patients and others concerned.

27 / 01 / 2013

The Kuwait’s ambassador to Bahrain, Sheikh Azzam Al Sabah praised “KFH” group for the responsibility it shoulders in supporting the national team of Kuwait in the 21st edition of Arabian Gulf Cup.

23 / 01 / 2013

The aggregate real estate value recorded during the last 5 years, in an annual basis, the highest trades in December. The aggregate real estate trades increased in December 2012 to KD 395 million

22 / 01 / 2013

سجلت قيمة التداولات العقارية الإجمالية في ديسمبر أعلى تداولات خلال الخمس سنوات الماضية على أساس سنوي ، حيث زادات قيمة إجمالي التداولات العقارية في شهر ديسمبر من عام 2012 إلى ما قيمته 395 مليون دينار..

21 / 01 / 2013

Chairman Mohamed Ali AL-Khudairi praised his highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid AL Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister’s initiative of adding the Islamic economy sector to the major sector

20 / 01 / 2013

Kuwait’s budget surplus for the first eight months (April 2012 – November 2012) of fiscal year (FY) 2012/2013 reached KWD14.7bln (USD52.0bln)

15 / 01 / 2013

(KFH) announced that it has launched a competition on its Instagram account at kfhgroup, where followers should guess what the final score of Kuwait’s match with UAE will be.

14 / 01 / 2013

(KFH) announced that it will take part in the eighth jobs fair that will be held at Al-Raya Hall from January 13-15 as part of KFH’s efforts to recruit Kuwaiti youths.

13 / 01 / 2013

أعلن "بيتك" عن مشاركته في معرض الفرص الوظيفية الثامن -التابع لبرنامج إعادة هيكلة القوى العاملة والجهاز التنفيذي للدولة- والمقام في قاعة الراية اعتبارا من اليوم 13 وحتى 15 يناير الجاري

11 / 01 / 2013

The National Association for Kuwaiti students in Britain honored (KFH) for its efforts in supporting the association and its activities.

09 / 01 / 2013

(KFH) held a meeting with suppliers specialized in furniture, kitchens and electrical appliances in the retail market. 50 suppliers attended the meeting ..


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