Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has launched the first ever Mobile Deposit of Cheques service to customers. This confirms the leadership position of the bank in offering high end digital banking services that cater for customers’ aspirations.
This unique Mobile Deposit of Cheques service was launched in collaboration with the renowned ProgressSoft corporation, a leading international IT Solutions provider, this service enables quick deposit of Cheques in a fast and efficient way to customers’ accounts – simply by using a screenshot of the original Cheque through KFH Online. KFH customers can simply log into their KFH mobile app, go to the Cheque deposit menu and take a picture of both sides of the Cheques using their smart phone camera. The funds will then be deposited directly into their accounts through KFH Online app. This provides customers with a mobile capability that enables faster and more convenient money management, especially that physical Cheque is not required to be delivered to a branch.
- Online Cheques Deposit through KFHOnline mobile apps.
- Service is available 24/7 around the clock all day long and during weekends and holidays.
- Physical Cheque is not required to be delivered to a branch.
Service is FREE
This service is available for all KFHOnline users with full access privilege