This service will meet the customers’ requirements for closing...
- This service will meet the customers’ requirements for closing current debit and apply for new finance.
- Salary transfer (Account holder).
- Other banks (Non Account holder).
- Repayment 30% of the number of installments of the existing debt to be rearranged.
- No over past dues payments , and early repayment is not considered.
- Finance type must be identical "Consumer for Consumer", "Installment for Installment".
- The purpose of financing can be divided into:
- Purchasing the following consumer goods:
- Medical and therapeutic services.
- Furniture and equipment.
- Cars and marine equipment.
- Purchasing the following Installment materials:
- Buying a land for the purpose of construction.
- Buying a house.
- Building a house.
- Rebuiling a house.
1. What are the main conditions for the rescheduling for new lending service?
- Repayment 30% of the number of installments of the existing debt to be rearranged.No over past dues payments.
- No over past dues payments , and early repayment is not considered.
- Finance type must be identical (consumer for consumer, installment for installment).
2. Which branches I can submit my application ?
- We offer this service in all KFH branches.
3. Which customers are eligible for rescheduling their financnes?
- This service for Kuwaiti Nationals and expats as well as KFH’s account holders and non KFH account holders.
4. What kind of product that is included in rescheduling of finances?
- At this service we cover the following commodities: (cars, boats , furniture and home appliances, etc.) all consumer products and installment ones (construction materials and works) except cars operational leasing and credit cards.
5. I have a current debit, can I increase the limit or amount and pay off the existence on?
- Yes, the customer can be financed within the limit of consumer and installment finance.