Constructing your own House starts with planning its architecture, supervision, and designing its interiors until construction it’s completed. It’s an interesting experience for construction stages sequence ends up with your key delivery.
With KFH Construction finance, you can build your residential property tailored as you desire, and well-matched to your family needs.
The main purpose of these product is to facilitate your financial needs related to your residential property for all construction stages requirement.
- Construction Drawing “Blue print” and supervision through well-known, and high standard Engineering consultancy offices.
- Skelton, and concert works
- Interior Design, and Decoration.
- Construction materials.
- Construction execution planning “end to end process”
- Property renovations.
- Partnership agreements, and special offers related to construction execution through well-known construction companies. “ACICO”.
Construction Materials, Work Service Facilities:
- Up to 12 months grace period.
-Up to 15 years finance tenure.
- Up to 70,000 KD finance limit.
- Possibility of finance rescheduling as per KFH terms, and conditions.
Required Documents:
- Price quotation including construction work / materials specifications.
- Original Civil ID.
- Recent Salary certificates. ”Net Salary”.
- KFH bank card, Or account statement for other banks clients.
With Your Deposit you can gain more.
With Your Deposit your Finance is Faster, and Bigger.
Simply, it’s a finance for individuals against Fixed Deposit / Saving accounts. The finance limit is flexible as much as your Deposit / Saving value.
Your Deposit will stay remain, and your finance will meet your special wants, and development of your projects.
Targeted Customers:
Individual’s customers who’s looking to cover the personal business needs through finance without breaking their deposits.
Payment Methods:
Up to 60months finance term with flexible payment plans (Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannually, and Yearly)
Required Documents:
Customer civil ID.
Please to submit your finance application through KFH branches network.
Residential Real Estate Finance, is one of the main Kuwait Finance House “KFH” products and part of “KFH” real estate finance integrated solutions to match customers’ needs from one hand, and to fit properties type, and conditions from the other hand.
Apartment. |
Inside, and outside State of Kuwait. |
House / Villa |
Land. |
1- For Individuals, and Joint applicants .
2- Up to KD.70,000 for each joint applicant.
3- Property free ownership under customer / customers’ names.
4- Property valuation through Kuwait Finance House authorized agencies to guarantee price purchasing.
5- Direct coordination with Kuwait Credit Bank.
6- Purchasing payment guarantee until property ownership transaction is completed.
7- Follow, and direct coordination with Ministry of Justice for property ownership registration process.
8- Finance available for International properties.
Required Documents.
- Original Civil ID.
- Detailed Salary Certificate.
- Property Title Deed.
- Copy of seller ID.
- Property location map ( for land only).